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H1 - is the biggest heading on the site

H2 - This is a sub-heading

There are 6 heading tags: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6

There are so many ways of changing the style of your text. Your text can be italic, bold, small, big, strikethrough, underlined, quoted, highlighted, preformatted, subscript, superscript.

Your text can include links to other websites.

If you want to separate your text into paragraphs, you can use multiple paragraph tags.

Or, you can use the
tag. AKA the <br/> tag

If you want to change the CSS of your text without breaking the line, you can use a span tag inside your paragraph tag.

Change the color of your text with the "color" style.
All the CSS colors can be found here!

Fun With Text Styles

Spicy text
Red hot text
Rainbow Text